수능영어 안정적인 1등급 확인용 문제
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2024학년도 경찰대 영어 1차 시험 기출문제해설 비급자료-41-42번(수능용-업로드).pdf
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2024학년도 경찰대 기출문제로 41번은 수능 1~2등급이면 무난히 해결할 수 있을 것 같은데...
42번은 난이도가 상당히 높습니다.
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[41-42] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Why do we gesture? Many would say that it brings emphasis, energy and ornamentation to speech (which is assumed to be the core of what is taking place); in short, gesture is an “add-on.” However, evidence is against this. The lay view of gesture is that one “talks with one’s hands.” You can’t find a word so you resort to gesture. Marianne Gullberg debunks this ancient idea. As she simply puts it, rather than gesture starting when words stop, gesture stops as well. The reasons we gesture are more profound. Language is . While gestures enhance the material carriers of meaning, the core is gesture and speech together. They are bound more tightly than saying the gesture is an “add-on” or “ornament” implies. They are united as a matter of thought itself. Even if, for some reason, the hands are restrained and a gesture is not externalized, the imagery it embodies can still be present, hidden but integrated with speech (it may surface in some other part of the body, the feet for example).
* debunk: (정체를) 폭로하다
41. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① The Hidden Power of Language
② Dissociation Between Gesture and Thought
③ Essential Principles of Gestures
④ Can We Measure the Depth of Our Thought?
⑤ Gestures: More Than Supplements
42. 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
① inseparable from imagery
② emphasized by underlying meaning
③ different from superficial embodiment
④ dependent upon linguistic decoration
⑤ constructed by externalization
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