똥은딱세번만닦는다 [666900] · MS 2016 · 쪽지

2016-10-23 16:30:25
조회수 436

영어 핵고수(프라하님 포함) ebs 영독 지문중에 의문스러운부분 좀

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0009420809

영독 테스트2 20번에

막 선생님이 이민자 학생들 빨리 적응하게 하려다가 오히려 부작용 낳는다는 그 글 있자나요 그 글에 히잡 쓴 애들 예시나오자나요

An example of such a negative outcome occurred during the conduct of one set of workshops, which included several Muslim families. Some Muslim girls in the local school wore the traditional headscarves (hijab), while others did not. Some girls expressed to their teachers their wish that they could remove their headscarves like their friends. The teachers encouraged them to remove their scarves at school, suggesting they could replace them before returning home. Shortly thereafter, some of the girls who removed their headscarves were no longer in school. Hence the teacher's eagerness to accelerate the acculturation(문화적응) process only served to abolish the opportunity completely.

여기서 센세가 집에가기전에 착용하면 되니까 학교에서는 히잡스카프 착용안해도 된다고 한게

스카프 착용하지 않았던 여학생들 중 일부가 더이상 학교에 나오지 않은거랑 뭔 상관있는건가오ㅛ..?

학교에서 몰래 벗은게 부모님한테 걸려서 부모님이 빡쳐서 학교 안보낸건가요?

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