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12. 다음 글의 주제로 알맞은 것은?
Throughout history, cultures have maintained diverse attitudes toward sleep. In ancient Rome, segmented sleep was common, with people waking up for an hour or two in the middle of the night before returning to slumber. Medieval Europeans also practiced this pattern, often engaging in prayer, quiet conversation, or even housework during their wakeful intermission. Modern sleep science, however, has largely promoted the idea that uninterrupted sleep is ideal. Yet, recent research suggests that biphasic or polyphasic sleep patterns—where sleep is divided into two or more phases—may be more aligned with human biological rhythms. Furthermore, experiments involving participants living without artificial lighting indicate that many people return to a segmented sleep schedule, waking naturally in the middle of the night before dozing off again. Such findings challenge the conventional notion of sleep as a singular, uninterrupted event. Instead, they highlight the adaptability of human sleep patterns and raise questions about whether modern sleep expectations are artificially imposed rather than biologically optimal.
① Artificial lighting and its effect on human sleep
② Historical perspectives on sleep and their relevance in modern science
③ The disadvantages of a monophasic sleep schedule
④ technological advancements disrupt natural sleep patterns
⑤ The role of society in regulating segmented sleep cycles
13. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Cognitive flexibility, the ability to shift thinking and adapt to new information, is essential for problem-solving and creativity. Research suggests that individuals who can approach issues from multiple perspectives tend to perform better in complex decision-making scenarios. Yet, cognitive rigidity—an inability to adjust thought patterns—can lead to errors in judgment and resistance to change. One notable study by Chang & Peterson (2024) examined participants' reactions to conflicting evidence. Those trained for higher cognitive flexibility adapted their viewpoints after encountering contradictory data, whereas rigid thinkers dismissed the new information and reinforced their original beliefs. The result encouraged individuals to consider alternative viewpoints, thereby enhancing their adaptability. Encouraging individuals to question assumptions, engage in perspective-taking, and embrace diverse viewpoints can significantly improve decision-making and creativity in various domains.
① Taking various viewpoints fosters mental plasticity for better problem-solving.
② Cognitive flexibility is a natural trait that cannot be altered through training.
③ Individuals should avoid conflicting information to maintain mental stability.
④ The ability to think flexibly is essential for making effective experiment.
⑤ Memory retention is more important than adaptability in creative thinking.
14. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
In recent years, the concept of the circular economy has garnered considerable attention as a viable remedy to environmental degradation. In stark contrast to the traditional linear model of "extract, produce, discard," which operates under the assumption of boundless resources, the circular economy prioritizes the perpetual reutilization of resources. This paradigm involves the creation of products designed for reusability, repairability, refurbishment, or recycling. Its core objective is to minimize waste and maximize the utility of available materials. However, the implementation of such a systemic model is not devoid of challenges. It necessitates transformative, large-scale shifts, both at the level of consumer behavior and within industrial infrastructures. While the circular economy holds promise as an idealized solution for achieving sustainability, its success on a global scale hinges upon the integration of substantial innovation and cross-sector collaboration.
① The importance of reducing consumer waste with a linear model
② The shift to a circular economic model and some considerations
③ The challenges in a circular model of consumer recycling habits
④ The economic and environmental benefits of consumer behavior changes
⑤ The environmental impact of resource depletion on our lives
15. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Despite significant strides in the development of educational technologies, a profound disparity persists in the equitable availability of learning resources. While certain students have access to cutting-edge digital tools and immersive interactive platforms, others are constrained by antiquated infrastructure or insufficient connectivity. This disparity in access leads to a pronounced divergence in educational quality, with students from more affluent backgrounds benefiting from augmented opportunities, whereas those from marginalized communities struggle to keep pace. Consequently, the digital divide exacerbates pre-existing social inequities and impedes the realization of universal educational equity. In order to mitigate this issue, policymakers and educational bodies must prioritize the provision of universal access to learning technologies, ensuring that every student is equipped with the requisite tools and resources to thrive in an increasingly digitally-dominated world.
① The role of digital technology in enhancing educational outcomes
② The Problem of inequality in access to digital learning resources
③ The challenges of integrating digital tools into traditional classrooms
④ The importance of equal face-to-face education over online learning
⑤ The necessity of fully digitalized education to improve economic inequality
16. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
AI technologies are being assimilated across diverse domains, ranging from healthcare to finance, and are precipitating a paradigm shift in industries by augmenting operational efficiency and refining decision-making processes. Nevertheless, these technological progresses have concurrently provoked apprehensions regarding employment displacement, infringements on privacy, and the potential entrenchment of bias in algorithmic determinations. Moreover, the extensive volumes of data indispensable for AI operations raise significant concerns surrounding data privacy and security. As AI progresses, it is imperative that its development and implementation are steered by unwavering ethical frameworks. This entails the formulation of transparent systems, the assurance of equitable decision-making mechanisms, and the safeguarding of individuals’ privacy. Only by confronting these ethical quandaries can AI be harnessed in a manner that responsibly serves the greater societal good.
① The advantages of AI in enhancing employment stability
② The ethical development of AI in various sectors
③ The contribution of AI to fostering employment
④ The critical significance of safeguarding data privacy
⑤ The need for various regulations in AI deployment
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아 몰랐어요. 제가 시골사람이라서 이런걸 어떻게 하는지 몰랐어요!! 감사합니다.