Jeff Bernat - Call you mine (Feat. Geologic of the Blue Scholars)
게시글 주소:
About not too long ago, I woke up feeling kind of blue (So I)
Picked up my phone and I decided that I hit up you (So then)
We talked for a little while, ask me if I could roll through (So we)
Met up, got food, and we spent time till the night was through
(Can I) call you my own, and can I call you my lover
Call you my one and only girl
(Can I) call you my everything, call you my baby
You’re the only one who runs my world
I remember this night we had, outside on the grass us two (We were)
Gazin’ at stars who smiled as my eyes only turned towards you (I knew)
There was no one else I needed and my love’s never felt this way (I wasn’t)
Too sure if you would mind I was nervous but I had to say
(Can I) call you my own, and can I call you my lover
Call you my one and only girl
(Can I) call you my everything, call you my baby
You’re the only one who runs my world
Yeah if you have sexy people in the place
You probably snapping your fingers
Right about now uh
listen a program hey
Call me now call me later Or call me whenever
Call me friend call me lover Or call me whatever
I call you mine
No ownership imply whatsoever
I call you what it is
A natural blend together
Then a mother brother like to hollow forever
A hollow now
how sent to you with
I ain't tellin' you can get it
If not you can imagine
Enough with the rap
time for some action
(Can I) call you my own, and can I call you my lover
Call you my one and only girl
(Can I) call you my everything, call you my baby
You’re the only one who runs my world
0 XDK (+0)
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안녕하세요,점심생윤팀입니다. 9평을 앞두고 마음 한켠에 머무는 두려움을 조금이나마...
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- 이...
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전적으로 공감합니다.
모의고사 가진거 1
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아 이거 보니까 서울재즈페스티벌 생각나네요ㅋㅋㅋ
오! 다녀오셨나요?
학원가있었습니다...ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ sbs에서 새벽에 방송해줘서 그거 보면서 내년을 기약ㅠㅠ
저는. 수험생때 오아시스 보러 못간게 평생의 한이 될듯ㅠㅠ
이 노래 좋아요...☞☜
가사 달달함ㅋㅋ
너-무 달달해서 슬퍼질지경이에요...ㅎ..
Asky. . . 흑
안슬픔 ㅎ :) :D