The Kooks - Naive
게시글 주소:
액센트가 정말 핫함ㅋㅁㅋ
명곡이에요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
I'm not saying it was your fault
Although you could have done more
Oh you're so naive yet so
How could this be done
Your such a smiling sweetheart
Oh and your sweet and pretty face
In such an ugly way
Something so beautiful
That everytime I look inside
I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me
I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me
I may say it was your fault
Cause I know you could have done more
Oh you're so naive yet so
How could this be done
By such a smiling sweetheart
Oh and your sweet and pretty face
In such an ugly way something so beautiful
Everytime I look inside
I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me
I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me
How could this be done
By such a smiling sweetheart
Oh you're so naive yet so
Such an ugly thing
Someone so beautiful
And everytime you're on his side
I know she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it maybe be she's still out to get me
And I know she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it maybe be she's still out to get me
Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to your kite
Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to your kite
Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to this kite
Just don't let me down
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