현상쌤㉿ [1039165] · MS 2021 · 쪽지

2021-05-04 12:48:33
조회수 5,860

논리 독해 자료 1일차 - 안현상 강사 5월 4일

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00037472989

내신 끝나고 오랜만에 돌아왔습니다. 모두들 반갑습니당!

< 논리 독해 학습 자료 1일차>

The ideal sound quality varies a lot in step with technological and cultural changes. Consider, for instance, the development of new digital audio formats such as MP3 and AAC. Various media feed us daily with data-compressed audio, and some people rarely experience CD-quality (that is, technical (a)quality) audio. (b)This tendency could lead to a new generation of listeners with other sound quality preferences. Research by Stanford University professor Jonathan Berger adds fuel to this thesis. Berger tested first-year university students’ preferences for MP3s annually for ten years. He reports that each year more and more students come to prefer MP3s to CD-quality audio. (B)These findings indicate that listeners gradually become accustomed to data-compressed formats and change their listening preferences accordingly. The point is that while technical improvements strive toward increased sound quality in a technical sense (e.g., higher resolution and greater bit rate), (C)listeners’ expectations do not necessarily follow the same path. (A)As a result, “improved” technical digital sound quality may in some cases lead to a(n) ______________________________________.

① (D)decrease in the perceptual worth of the sound

② failure to understand the original function of music

③ realization of more sophisticated musical inspiration

④ agreement on ideal sound quality across generations

⑤ revival of listeners’ preference for CD-quality audio

!!위 빈칸 문제를 풀고 아래 문제를 해결하시기 바랍니다!!

1. (A)문장이 "W(중요 문장)"인 이유는? 

2. (a)quality의 품사와 뜻을 쓰시오.

3. (b)This tendency이 가리키는 것은?

4. 밑줄 친 (B)문장은 필자의 주장과 [같은 / 다른] 색깔이다.

5. 밑줄 친 (C)문장의 내용을 활용하여 필자의 입장을 정리하시오.

6. (D)의 “perceptual"의 사전적 의미와 맥락상의 의미를 둘 다 쓰시오.


1.As a result, “lead to(야기하다)” 도 결과 유도어

2.형용사, 질 좋은

3.사람들이 데이터 압축된 오디오를 경험하력하고 기술적으로 질 좋은 CD를 경험하지 않는 경향


5.기술은 발전했으나 사람들은 그에 따라 선호하지는 않는다

6.인지의, 사람의 판단하는

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