M영어 [365861] · MS 2011 · 쪽지

2013-05-26 20:38:58
조회수 3,184

영어영역 수능특강 변형문제<3>

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0003689262

안녕하세요! 수능특강 영어영역 변형교재 <Hit The Nail> 저자입니다.
오랜만에 또 변형문제 올립니다.
이번 문제들은 지금까지 올렸던 변형문제보다 좀더 좋을거에요!
열심히 풀어보시고, 답은 역시 며칠 뒤에 공개할게요.

다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


Try to think of a choice you have made that was not in accord with your strongest inclination at the time. We sometimes get confused about this because we are assaulted with a wide variety of inclinations, and they change in intensity from time to time. For example, after we have finished a heavy meal, it is easy to decide to go on a diet. After a few hours, however, we become hungry again and the desire for food intensifies. If we reach the point that we want to eat some pie more than we ant to lose weight, we choose the pie over the diet. We have a real desire to be thin, but that desire runs up against our desire for dietary pleasure. The problem is that                                                                   .


desire for thinness always loses

taste is different in every person

diet requires meticulous planning

all things do not stay equal

food appetite is the most pronounced form of diet barrier


2. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?


Protection of biological diversity targets not only the goal of conserving natural resources; the primary emphasis of development cooperation is placed on preserving people’s livelihoods. It is the rural poor who are most dependent on biological diversity. Diversity of farm animal breeds and crop plants used in local agriculture is essential to their food supply and increases productivity as well as adaptability to disease or changing environmental conditions. Intact ecosystems ensure the provision of environmental services, for example, to produce clean drinking water, nutrient-rich soils and oxygen, as well as to pollinate crop plants. They form the basis for all human life. Forests and other natural ecosystems offer the possibility to gather wild plants and hunt animals, thereby providing many rural inhabitants with a major supplementary food source, in particular when crop harvests are poor.


Vested interest groups: public enemy for the environment

Biological diversity: promoting much more than environmental soundness

Deforestation as the major threat to humanity

Sustainable growth benefits both the wealthy and the poor

⑤ Urgent need for developing new farming techniques

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