Soft and Wet [832060] · MS 2018 · 쪽지

2019-01-31 12:36:03
조회수 2,302

제한시간 내 영어지문 읽기 13)

게시글 주소:

다행히도 세이브파일이 폰에 있네요..

So far as we know, nothing like human intelligence appeared on Earth before a few million, or at least a few tens of millions of years ago. But that is a few tenths of a percent of the age of Earth, very late in December in the Cosmic Calendar. Why did it appear so late? The answer clearly seems to be that some particular property of higher primate and cetacean brains did not evolve until recently. But what is that property? I can suggest at least four possibilities, all of which have already been mentioned, either explicitly or implicitly: 1. Never before was there a brain so massive; 2. Never before was there a brain with so large a ratio of brain to body mass; 3. Never before was there a brain with certain functional units; 4. Never before was there a brain with so many neural connections or synapses.

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