파오띵 [556931] · MS 2015 · 쪽지

2016-10-12 20:41:24
조회수 260

It parellels advocacy in so far as it tends to involve a process of negotiation, but differs in so far as mediation involves adopting a neutral role between two opposing parties rather than taking up the case of one party against another.

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0009336326

It parellels advocacy in so far as it tends to involve a process of negotiation, but differs in so far as mediation involves adopting a neutral role between two opposing parties rather than taking up the case of one party against another.

so far as : ~하는 한 아니었나요..? 해석이 매끄럽게 안되는뎅 ㅜㅜ


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