KISS EBS 문제화 중 - 빈칸 변형 2개 풀고 가요
게시글 주소:
변형을 하진 않는다.
삼수+대학 4년 수능영어 과외+강사로
11. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [영어.16.4]
Imagine that after studying word pairs such as red/blood and food/radish, you are given red as a cue and recall that blood went with it. This act of recall strengthens your memory of the two words appearing together, so that next time you are given red , it will be easier for you to recall blood. Remarkably, however, recalling that blood went with red will also make it more difficult later to recall radish when given food! When practicing red/blood, it is necessary to suppress retrieval of recently encountered "red things" other than blood, so that your mind is not littered with ___________ that could interfere with the recall of the word you seek. But there is a cost to suppressing retrieval of unwanted items such as radish: they are less accessible for future recall, even to a cue ( food ) that would seem to have nothing to do with "redness."
*radish 적환무(뿌리의 색이 붉은 색을 띰) **suppress 억누르다
① illuminations
② irrelevancies
③ irregularities
④ illegalities
⑤ irrationalities
12. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [영어.23.4]
The concept of positive bias refers to the frequently observed phenomenon in tourist satisfaction studies that very positive appraisals are given for a great variety of products and services. Is tourism really this good? Is everybody really so happy most of the time? On the surface, the empirical evidence would suggest they are, with many people giving a score of 6 or 7 on a 7-point rating scale. There is, however, an explanation for this kind of result. It is likely that a significant amount of ego or self-esteem protection is operating with customers not wanting to accept that in the free-choice tourism situation they have selected badly. Tourism products and experiences reflect people's values and represent aspects of (and opportunities to enhance) their identity; it is therefore counterproductive a _____ to be very dissatisfied with a situation that one has willingly entered and often paid handsomely to experience. *appraisal (가치, 업적 등에 대한) 평가
① invaluable and indicates higher self-esteem
② beneficial and influences positively on one's identity
③ ineffective and improves one's self-esteem
④ conducive to one's identity and caters to personal experience
⑤ counterproductive and reflects poorly on personal credibility
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conducive: 어디서 본 것 같은데 뜻은 모르겠는
ㅋㅋㅋ 아예 문제 넣었어용 ㅎㅎ 함 풀어보세요 ㅎ
2번하고5 번? ? ?맞아요 답?
쪽지보냈어요 ㅎㅎ
둘다 맞추면 조교임용?
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이제 진짜 진심이신거 같아여 ㅋㅋㅋ
요새 빈곤해요... 알바가 필요함 ㅠ
빈곤은 저도 ㅜㅜㅜ 조교비 스터디룸 비용으로 다 나가는 ㅋㅋ
Conductive라... 전자공학 전공하면 참 자주접하는 단어죠.
아 그래요?? instrumental 느낌이 아니라 conduct의 전도 느낌으로 쓰이는건가요 ㅎㅎ
Conducive 먼가 되게 어려웠던 수능빈칸에 나온거 같은 느낌이
어쨌든 좋은 글이네요
감사합니다 ^~^
답좀료 ㅠ
2,5번입니다 ㅋㅋ 옛날 글에 댓 감사 ㅎ