사쿠라코 [591250] · MS 2015 · 쪽지

2016-03-24 00:40:23
조회수 1,138

자작 영어 빈칸 문제입니다

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0008180631

1. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
It is possible to determine a tiger’s gender, and even its identity, simply by looking it in the face; a male’s head is noticeably bigger and broader with a manelike ruff about the neck and tufty muttonchops running along the lower jaw. As with male humans, the male tiger’s nose is also bigger and heavier—in the case of some tigers, almost snoutlike. The Panchelaza tiger had a big nose, and, like a male athlete’s heavy brow and jaw, it was a clear indicator (among several) of this animal’s fully developed _________ and natural inclination toward dominance.

① fearsomeness
② arrogance
③ masculinity
④ toughness
⑤ languorous

출처:The Tiger(John Vaillant)

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