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잘 풀어보시고 혹시 100점 받으신 분 있으시면 댓글 주세요.
이건 보너스 문제입니다.
Wireless communication relies on the behavior of electromagnetic waves, which travel through the air without physical conductors. However, the propagation of these waves is not straightforward. As radio waves interact with the atmosphere and objects, they experience a mixture of reflection, diffraction, and scattering. This phenomenon is often compared to , where each disturbance creates a unique pattern of travel. The complexity increases in urban environments, where tall buildings and other obstacles further disrupt the signals, creating a constantly changing communication landscape. Despite these challenges, techniques like frequency hopping and beamforming help reduce interference. These methods adjust the transmission path or change the frequency of the signals to avoid congestion. Yet, the nature of radio waves remains unpredictable, making each transmission a new set of variables to manage.
① the sound waves echoing in an empty hall
② the certain way that light bends through a prism
③ a clock ticking consistently and precisely
④ a leaf randomly blown by the wind
⑤ a comet moving in a set path across the sky
A renowned philosopher once noted that true wisdom lies not in the mere accumulation of knowledge but in the discernment of when to remain silent. Many intellectuals, however, mistake wordiness for insight, failing to grasp that profound truths often emerge in the unspoken. This principle is mirrored in architecture. While intricate ornamentation may capture the eye, it is often those structures, seemingly unembellished, that demand the keenest understanding of form and precision. A grand palace adorned with excessive embellishments can easily impress, but a deceptively simple minimalist design requires an even deeper comprehension of spatial harmony. True mastery lies not in adding more, but in knowing what to take away. In the hands of a master, absence is not a void but a deliberate statement. This idea contradicts the notion that .
① intellectual depth lies in richness, not in emptiness.
② the greatest achievements embrace both complex and simplicity.
③ mastery is to make even the most complex appear effortless.
④ wisdom is best shown to articulate thoughts in the most concise manner.
⑤ intellectual ones flourish when abundance are vanished.
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