반갑습니다. 고난도 빈칸 3편입니다. 2문제에요. 도전!!!! 해보세요.
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00072347504
정답지 8,9번.hwp
이번에는 정답이 있는 지문의 난이도를 조금 있게 만들었어요.
글 내용은 이해하는데 어려움이 없지만 정답지의 표현을 정확하게 골라야 하는 지문들을 만든 것입니다.
글이라는 것이 본문이 어려운 것도 있고 정답지가 어려운 것이 있는데 이번 두 문제는 후자에 초점을 둔 것입니다.
한번 도전해보세요. 실력이 잘 늘거에요.
수능 유형 중 3점짜리 빈칸에 맞춘 것이니 도움이 되리라 생각합니다.
Throughout history, intelligence has been largely measured by an entity’s ability to manipulate symbols, reason abstractly, and express ideas through language. However, recent findings challenge this rigid classification, revealing that Neanderthals not only created tools with remarkable precision but also engaged in artistic and possibly ritualistic activities. Cave paintings in Spain, believed to predate modern humans' arrival in the region, suggest that Neanderthals possessed a level of symbolic cognition previously thought to be exclusive to our species. If intelligence is to be defined by one’s capacity for abstraction and representation, then the conventional distinction between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals becomes arbitrary. This realization compels us to reconsider the essence of intelligence itself. If cognitive sophistication is not solely dependent on language, but rather on the ability to interpret and respond to one’s environment in nuanced ways, then Neanderthals’ survival strategies and social structures should be regarded as .
① being clearly obsolete from a modern anthropological mainstream
② an superior intelligence compared to the one in modern humans
③ indispensable criteria to value intelligent ability of our species
④ Cerebral feats which are of autonomous significance
⑤ irrefutable classification between physical entities and abstract laws
The conventional view of time, rooted in the second law of thermodynamics, asserts that time inevitably flows in one direction: from low entropy to high entropy. This irreversible arrow of time suggests that as the universe progresses, it moves from order to disorder. However, researchers have pointed out that, on quantum scales, the fundamental laws of physics are time-symmetric, which rejects the notion that . If time symmetry holds at the quantum level, then the notion of time as an irreversible force could be an illusory consequence of macroscopic statistical behavior rather than a universal truth. Some researchers propose that the universe could experience recurrent big bangs, where time restarts after each cycle. This model of time, which has roots in both ancient philosophy and modern physics, presents a potential framework where the flow of time is not a rigid, unidirectional force, but rather a dynamic process that could oscillate across multiple dimensions of time.
① time is not fixed, but relative and dynamic
② the laws possess an inherent bias toward a temporal vector
③ the second law of thermodynamics makes time travel to the past possible
④ the size of an object can affect the direction of time
⑤ the universe cannot theoretically expand in the same direction as time
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