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도움이 되실 거에요. 재미나게 푸시길 바래요.
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문이과 주제 모두 망라해서 수능과 비슷한 유형으로만 제작합니다.
경기도 어느 산골에 사는 영어아저씨
In the realm of decision-making, people often overestimate the extent to which their choices are freely made, overlooking the subtle yet profound influence of external factors. This phenomenon, known as the illusion of choice, suggests that while individuals believe they are acting independently, their decisions are often shaped by underlying social, cultural, or psychological forces. For instance, a consumer choosing a particular brand may perceive the decision as personal preference, whereas, in reality, marketing strategies, peer opinions, and subconscious biases have played a crucial role. This illusion becomes even more pronounced in high-stakes situations where the complexity of variables makes it nearly impossible to discern true autonomy. Therefore, recognizing the mechanisms behind decision-making is essential, as it helps individuals exercise more critical judgment rather than merely .
① rejecting alternative perspectives
② reinforcing their initial assumptions
③ yielding to invisible influences
④ disregarding external pressures
⑤ undermining the effect of context
The history of astronomy is a testament to humanity’s relentless pursuit of understanding the cosmos. However, the progression of astronomical knowledge has not always been linear; rather, it has often been marked by paradigm shifts that dramatically altered our perception of the universe. For instance, the transition from the geocentric model to the heliocentric model was not merely a scientific advancement but a fundamental upheaval in how humans perceived their place in the cosmos. More recently, the discovery of dark matter and dark energy has once again challenged conventional wisdom, suggesting that the vast majority of the universe is composed of entities that remain largely undetectable. This realization underscores a crucial lesson: scientific certainty is often fleeting, and what is considered irrefutable today may one day be relegated to mere historical curiosity. In this sense, the pursuit of astronomical knowledge is not about attaining absolute truth but rather about .
① refining our understanding through successive approximations
② confirming long-held theories with empirical evidence
③ rejecting previous discoveries in favor of newer ones
④ reducing scientific uncertainty through technological advancements
⑤ establishing definitive principles that remain unchanged over time
One of the most counterintuitive aspects of quantum mechanics is the fundamental role of observation in determining the state of a system. Unlike classical mechanics, where physical properties exist independently of measurement, quantum systems exist in a superposition of states until an observation collapses the wave function into a definite state. This peculiar nature of quantum reality has profound implications, as seen in the famous double-slit experiment, where particles behave as both waves and particles depending on whether they are being observed. However, this concept extends beyond mere experimental oddities. The Copenhagen interpretation suggests that reality at the quantum level is not predetermined but rather probabilistic, meaning that until a measurement is made, multiple potential outcomes coexist. This notion challenges classical determinism, implying that the universe is inherently uncertain at its most fundamental level. Consequently, the pursuit of quantum mechanics is not about uncovering a set of hidden variables that dictate physical outcomes but rather about .
① embracing the probabilistic nature of reality rather than seeking deterministic explanations
② uncovering hidden variables that eliminate the randomness of quantum mechanics
③ proving that quantum behavior ultimately aligns with classical Newtonian principles
④ demonstrating that observation has no effect on the fundamental state of a quantum system
⑤ establishing that quantum mechanics merely reflects limitations in human measurement techniques
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답은 과탐
좋은 시간되세요~~
3 1 1 의도하신거같은데!
6번에 질문있습니다.
네 질문하셔도 됩니다.
Refining 은 이 맥락에 사용하기 애매할수있을거같아서요
The history of astronomy / the progression of astronomical knowledge / 이 의미들을 반영하였습니다. 과학이라는 것이 역사적인 시간이 지나가면서 (한번에 급변이 아니라) 계속해서 변화해간다 라는 것을 담기 위해 적었습니다.