영어문제 _ 자작
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00069549419
Into face of individuals' in our planet are crucially their tons of bloods of vein flowing onto moon. The outputs of surely getting visible or even invisible finally become to rather explode, never acknowledging precisely the dirt and ground to find and locate its surroundings.
(A)However, such as train, the steamed passion of specialistic personality is at long term such as fruits arraying the tree. it also seems to erase the ground that is filled with such an ignorance to never or often not. Whether to take it and answer the stained dirts is well depending on its one's pages to write down on another.
(B)The meaningless knowledge that many doctors favor of searching for many times because of their need is curiously questioned to many that consider how whole entity is formed to make its fully greatness out of the popped outcome.
(C)However, it is ,of course, said to have passionately explored from land of home with inevitable pirates. Likewise, the earth fully perfect and enough is under its lock to stock and be put, the others guaranteeing upwards. that anger of trying to build tunnel or bridge on two lands sometimes conveys to the very many willing to see its castle of the truth of particular settings.
1) A - B - C
2) B - A -C
3) B - C - A
4) C - A -B
5) C - B -A
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