영어 모의고사 문제 만드는 방법
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00069103217
1. 일단 있어보이게 시작한다
2. 중간에 어디서 들어본듯한 사례들 몇가지를 넣는다
3. 몇 개 더 반복한다.
4. 사례 끝냈으면 이제 사례들을 아우르는 문장 몇 개를 있어보이게 쓴다.
5. 마지막은 therefore, ________, however, it is no longer________ 이런식으로 끝낸다
예를들면 이런거
Science is profound, but it always provides unexpected results. In 2009, a Portuguese researcher named Escario Mezostaria investigated the correlation between the reproduction of deep-sea fish and ecosystem disturbance, and found that two variables that seemed to have no correlation were correlated. It is said that deep-sea fish do not lay eggs during the breeding season, but instead eat a huge amount of striped bream, crabs, and sea anemones. Because of this, the thermocline ecosystem hopes that the breeding season of deep-sea fish will not come. According to a joint study conducted by the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Plant research team and Artytex University in Ohio, USA this year, it was discovered that when the volume of water molecules increases by 1 mole, the proportion of hydrogen atoms bonded to water molecules destructively decreases, and this fact caused a great stir in the scientific community around the world. Also, one of the universities in Rome, Italy investigated the ratio of nucleotides that make up nucleic acids, and the results of the study were so surprising that Japan, which was surprised by the clause in the Joseon-Qing Agreement on Land and Sea Trade for Merchants signed in 1884 that allowed trade outside of the residential areas, immediately signed the Japan-Korea Treaty of Amity and Commerce. The fact is that nucleic acids are not made of adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine, but more than half of them are made of a substance called octiofernandodiestrin and the other half are made of a substance called mercioparaargiomynestri. At first, it was criticized by many in the scientific community and the public, but now it is no longer _________________________________________________.
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겁나 신기흐네.. 논술은 잘 안빠진다햇는데 몇명 빠진지 보지도못함 2차까지만 공개라
내일은 6차 할게요
학폭 말하는건 절대 아니고 여자애가 먼저 시비걸고 툭툭 치거나 야 하면서 말거는...
일반물리정도도 안배우나여?? 헉
원래 이렇게 안빠지나요... 예비16인데 안될것 같아 포기하렵니다...ㅠㅠ
아는 분들이 거의 안보이네… 내가 기억 못하는건지 진짜 그런지는 모르겠지만 작년...
같이 갈 여자가 있어야지 ㅋㅋ
이건 번역문제;;
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번역 != 해석.
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