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다음 보기를 보고 다음에 이어질 내용을 알맞게 배열하시오.
What many people overlook is that consequence of exam isn't neither a result of hard-working nor an inborn-ability line up. Actually, this misconstruction is inccured from 'rote learning', which is often commented as occasion of chronic problem of Korean teaching method.
< A >
One thing that we can think about to correct this state is simplifying the structure. Devote yourself to the essence of conception. Some professionals stress that the amount isn't the thing. The quiz itself is little more than a medium that leads to an infinite world of awe where all the answers begin. Don't just dully repeat operations. that's really bleak.
< B >
Let's take a look. While many people study, the bulk of people focus on incessant waves of quiz. Of course, that's what we learned. But in this case, the lack of talent is quit conspicuous. And it makes an vicious circle. The misconstruction seems acceptable. Though, quite amazingly, we can end this chain by changing the method itself.
< C >
The problem itself can be solved with capacity which demands fine balance between creativity and hard-working. And it should, and it actually is. The only question is, "Is it viable even if you have inferior faculty?"
1. A - B - C
2. B - A - C
3. B - C - A
4. C - B - A
5. C - A - B
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