하빕 누르마고메도프 [929114] · MS 2019 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2023-03-13 16:14:48
조회수 824

이 영어지문 어렵네;;

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00062399507

다음 문제를 읽고 빈칸에 알맞은 문장을 고르시오

So far as you are wholly concentrated on bringing about certain result, clearly the quicker and easier it is brought about the better. Your resolve to secure a sufficiency of food for yourself and your family will induce you to spend weary days in tilling the ground and tending livestock; but if Nature provided food and meat in abundance ready for the table, you would thank Nature for sparing you much labor and consider yourself so much the better off. An executed purpose, in short, is a transaction in which the time and energy spent on the execution are balanced against the resulting assets, and the ideal case is one in which ________. Purpose, then, justifies the efforts it exacts only conditionally, by their fruits.

① demand exceeds supply, resulting in greater returns

② life becomes fruitful with our endless pursuit of dreams
③ the time and energy are limitless and assets are abundant
④ Nature does not reward those who do not exert efforts
⑤ the former approximates to zero and the latter to infinity

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