수영풀 [1031129] · MS 2020 · 쪽지

2023-03-01 00:17:31
조회수 2,423

2022 수능영어 36번 깔끔해설

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00062257554


그럼 같이 풀이해봅시다!

1) 주어진 문장에서 핵심표현 찾고 독해의 방향 설정하기

According to the market response model, it is increasing prices that drive providers to search for new sources, innovators to substitute, consumers to conserve, and alternatives to emerge.

It is~ that 강조로 강조된 부분을 봅니다. increasing prices that drive providers to search for new sources 가격인상, 새로운 공급원을 찾는단 내용이네 정도로 정리하고 A,B,C를 읽어봅시다.

핵심표현이랑 연결성을 확인해야지~ 하는 '생각'을 가지고 읽어야합니다! 절대 생각 없이 읽지 맙시다.

(A) Many examples of such “green taxes” exist. Facing landfill costs, labor expenses, and related costs in the provision of garbage disposal, for example, some cities have required households to dispose of all waste in special trash bags, purchased by consumers themselves, and often costing a dollar or more each.

명시적 단서인 such가 있기 때문에 앞에 세금관련 이야기가 나올텐데? 싶은데 주어진 문장엔 가격 인상만 있기 때문에 A는 제낍니다.

(B) Taxing certain goods or services, and so increasing prices, should result in either decreased use of these resources or creative innovation of new sources or options. The money raised through the tax can be used directly by the government either to supply services or to search for alternatives.

주어진 문장의 가격인상 내용이 increasing prices로 똑같이 연결되며

search for new sources => B에 creative innovation of new sources or options로 연결됩니다.

주어진 문장 내용이 B로 그대로 이어지지만 또 C 읽어봅시다.

(C) The results have been greatly increased recycling and more careful attention by consumers to packaging and waste. By internalizing the costs of trash to consumers, there has been an observed decrease in the flow of garbage from households.

그 결과, 재활용이 증가했고~ 소비자가 포장과 폐기물에 더 신경썼고~ 이런 내용인데요.

주어진 문장과 연결성이 안느껴집니다.

그래서 처음 순서는 B확정, 그럼 B를 자세히 읽어봅시다.

(B) Taxing certain goods or services, and so increasing prices, should result in either decreased use of these resources or creative innovation of new sources or options. The money raised through the tax can be used directly by the government either to supply services or to search for alternatives.

정부가 세금을 사용한다며 the tax 내용이 언급됩니다. 소재의 응집성을 위해 어디에 연결될까요~~? 바로! A로 연결되겠죠.

(A) Many examples of such “green taxes” existFacing landfill costs, labor expenses, and related costs in the provision of garbage disposal, for example, some cities have required households to dispose of all waste in special trash bags, purchased by consumers themselves, and often costing a dollar or more each.

쓰레기 처리가 C의 recycling 으로 연결되서 A=>C 순서도 확인할 수 있습니다!

(C) The results have been greatly increased recyclingand more careful attention by consumers to packaging and waste. By internalizing the costs of trash to consumers, there has been an observed decrease in the flow of garbage from households.

그래서 내용은 B=>A=>C 임을 알 수 있습니다!

이해안되는 부분 있으신가요? 정말 엄청 쉽게 떠먹여준단 생각으로 풀이과정을 사고구술로 담아봤습니다~


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