4모영어 빈칸 31번(부정관사로 조지기)
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00056150286
긴급하게 부정관사로 하나 조져보겠습니다.
31. Not only was Eurasia by chance blessed with biological abundance, but the very ___________ of the continent greatly promoted the spread of crops between distant regions. When the supercontinent Pangea fragmented, it was torn apart along rifts that just so happened to leave Eurasia as a broad landmass running in an east-west direction — the entire continent stretches more than a third of the way around the world, but mostly within a relatively narrow range of latitudes. As it is the latitude on the Earth that largely determines the climate and length of the growing season, crops domesticated in one part of Eurasia can be transplanted across the continent with only minimal need for adaptation to the new locale. Thus wheat cultivation spread readily from the uplands of Turkey throughout Mesopotamia, to Europe, and all the way round to India, for example. The twin continents of the Americas, by contrast, lie in a north-south direction. Here, the spreading of crops originally domesticated in one region to another led to a much harder process of re-adapting the plant species to different growing conditions. [3점]
* fragment: 조각나다 ** rift: 갈라진 틈
① isolation ② orientation
③ diversity ④ conservation
⑤ instability
키워드를 잡아보면 Eurasia
속성2 :biological abundance 생물학적 다양성
속성2 :the very ___________ of the continent greatly promoted the spread of crops between distant regions.
패턴 인과관계: the very ___________ of the continent --> the spread of crops between distant regions
바로 그 대륙의 빈칸 --> 먼 지역들 사이에 곡물을 퍼뜨림
인과관계에 대한 설명
설명도 원인과 결과
When the supercontinent Pangea fragmented, (원인)
초대륙 판게아가 조각이 나뉘었을 때
it was torn apart along rifts that just so happened to leave Eurasia as a broad landmass running in an east-west direction (결과)
그건 틈을 따라 갈라져서 우연히 Eurasia를 넓은 땅덩어리로 남겨 두었는데, 그건 동서 방향 이었다.
여기서 부정관사 a로 새로운 정보를 두 개 작가가 줬음.
a broad landmass
in an east-west direction
둘 중 하나 개꿀
within a relatively narrow range of latitudes
부연 설명 중 좁은 범위의 위도 이내에.
broad landmass vs direction(승)
그런데 답을 고를려니
방향을 무슨 orientation으로 줘서 학생들 혼란 ㅜ.ㅜ
self-oriented 이런거 외우 실 때 자기 지향적인 --> 자기 중심점
이렇게 외우신 분들은 쉬웠을 것이고, 걍 외우셨음 ....... ㅜ.ㅜ
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