지방 듣보잡 우리학원쌤이 만든 변형투척 이요~ 문제 평가 바랍니다~
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0005536496
There are times when realizing the
expectations of consumers would redound to negative impacts on other outcomes.
This is commonly observed when companies listen to the ‘voices of the
customers’. Take for example a traveling sales person. The people he sells his
products to may request for smaller cell phones without considering its
functions. Carpenters, in the same manner, may ___________________________________that
this gadget would prove impotent in the face of more difficult jobs. Evidently,
when customers request for new product features, they are probably focused on
their current dilemma and are not thinking of the greater impact their requests
would have on other products or services. Unfortunately, when their requests
are granted, they often reject the resulting product because they finally come
face to face with the limitations of their requests. Thus, the added feature
turns out to be the cause of greater dilemmas.
1. request a lightweight circular saw
without realizing
2. delay marketing of innovative products
3. induce customers to make additional
4. bring about excessive competition among
keep them from listening to the voices of the customers
Success is decided upon by one’s numbers
and connections. It is true that a few hundred people cannot sustain the
development of technology on their own. In the case of Australia, it was
colonized 45,000 years ago by pioneers, who also conquered the east of Africa
and the shores of Asia. This migration has been quite miniscule in number,
hence, the people traveled lightly. Unfortunately, they were unable to take with
them a sample of their own technology, passed on by their relatives since the
Red Sea crossing. This may explain why the Australian aboriginal technology
lacked the many features of the Old World, including elastic weapons like bows,
catapults, and ovens. This was not a result of their mental retrogression;
rather, it ___________________that kept the local people from fully innovating
their own. Most probably, it is because they were lacking in number and had
fewer minds working on their development.
1. Was interconnected in developing
state-of-the-art innovations
2. Engrossed on the upgrade of
elastic weapons
was the product of the pioneers’ arrival having only a subset of technologies
Failed to inherit their African relative’s technology
5. Failed to grasp technical
insights from the Old World.
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