히라사와 유이 [1126037] · MS 2022 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2022-02-17 00:47:03
조회수 1,671

ㅈㄴ 공들여 만든 고난도 빈칸추론

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00054859932

평가원보다 공들였기야 하겠지만 신선한 지문정도로

생각하고 읽어주세요!

또 이거 문법이나 논리적으로 오류가 있는지 확인좀요!

36. Racial Integration should be contemplated unless two conflicting race groups don't resent on counterpart's opinion or ideology utterly. It's because radical fusion arouse the excess stress to both group, consequently generating more revulsion. In spite of the criticism that such a perspective may hinder the society from being peaceful, and the advocates of this might justify inequality and segregation which shouldn't exist in democratic, this egocentric opinion is worth to consider carefully seeing that if other conditions of each group are similar, "segregation" can ensure positive freedom not to meet another culture, in terms of _________. It is not equality but Freedom that satisfies every behalf, maximizes total interests in unstable society.                          
                                                                *segregation: 분리

1. Deontology stated by Kant, which focuses on whether an action is good or bad 

2. Evolutionism stated by Darwin, which focuses on fluctuating biological features of species through natural selection 

3. Laissez-faire stated by Adam, which focuses on liberty of members and resists too much restriction by government 

4. Dialectics stated by Hegel, which focuses on sum of one system and other, accompanying a bitter battle that gradual growth of other triggers 

5. Hedonism stated by Epicurus, which focuses on passive pleasure and 'ataraxia', the notion that 'Acquisition of pleasure and avoidance of pain based on the natural nature of human beings of the times makes humans happy

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