selfe [286165] · MS 2009 · 쪽지

2012-10-04 22:51:31
조회수 1,290

ebs변형 한문제 풀어보세요.

게시글 주소:

지문 논리자체와 평가원이 좋아할만한 내용이라서 한번 변형해봤습니다.

To describe what happens to common resources as a result of human greed, Garrett Hardin used
the example of an area of pasture on which all the cattle-owners are permitted to graze their animals free of charge.
Seeking to maximize his gain, each cattle-owner considers the advantage and disadvantage of adding one more
animal to the herd. The advantage is that the cattle-owner receives the whole of the profit from the sale of the additional
animal. The disadvantage is that the extra grazing contributes to the deterioration of the pasture. However,
the disadvantage i shared among all the cattle-owners using the pasture, so the individual owner suffers only
a fraction of the disadvantage. Consequently, _____________________________________. So it is inevitable that
more and more animals will be brought onto the pasture until overgrazing totally destroys the pasture.

1. the total of the disadvantage is bound to exceed the advantage.
2. the advantage is the same as the disadvantage.
3. the advantage is bound to exceed the disadvantage.
4. the sale of the additional animal is decreased
5. the cattle-owners using pasture gain more disadvantage.

어렵진 않은지문인데 내용자체가 괜찮아서 올려봐요

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