Soft and Wet [832060] · MS 2018 · 쪽지

2019-01-21 19:18:21
조회수 1,103

제한시간 내 영어지문 읽기 5

게시글 주소:

 There really is no such thing as Art. There are only artists. Once these were men who took coloured earth and roughed out the forms of a bison on the wall of a cave; today some buy their paints, and design posters for hoardings; they did and do many other things. 

 There is no harm in calling all these activities art as long as we keep in mind that such a word may mean very different things in different times and places, and as long as we realize that Art with a capital A has no existence. For Art with a capital A has come to be something of a bogey and a fetish. You may crush an artist by telling him that what he has just done may be quite good in its own way, only it is not Art And you may confound anyone enjoying a picture by declaring that what he liked in it was not the Art but something different.

약간은 난도가 있는 지문입니다. 

첫 독해 제한시간-없음

최종 목표-40초

E.H. Gombrich-The Story of Art

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