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2017-03-18 16:59:29
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수능특강 영어독해연습 변형문제3탄

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00011543967

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수능특강 영어독해연습 변형문제3.docx

6문제 입니다 한 번 풀어보세요46.주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.Research has shown that high levels of automation for tasks can put users out-of-the loop, leading to low levels of situation awareness.(A) While a person does not need to perform every task, the person does need to be in control of managing what the systems are doing in order to maintain the situation awareness needed for successful performance across a wide variety of conditions and situations.(B) The crew had lost awareness of the actions of the aircraft’s automated flight management system computer that was providing navigation and was unable to regain sufficient situation awareness to resume safe control of the aircraft.(C) As long as situation awareness is compromised, the ability of the user to be an effective decision maker is threatened. In 1996, an American Airlines B-757 crashed in the mountains around Cali, Colombia. *out-of-the-loop (상황을)잘 알지 못하는①(A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)47.다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?Several studies have investigated the cognition and perception of vocal lyrics in songs. Serafine and her colleagues studied the effect of lyrics on participants’ memory for songs.①Results showed that melody recognition was near chance unless the melody’s original words (i.e., words that were presented with the music during encoding) were present, suggesting that music and speech were combined into a single coherent object when encoded in the same stream.②Nowadays, encoding technology has developed rapidly as listening to music has become a daily routine for people around the world.③More recently, Weiss and his colleagues examined the effect of timbre (including voice) on memory and preference for music.④Results showed that melodies with the voice were better recognized than all other instrumental melodies.⑤The authors suggest that the biological significance of the human voice provides a greater depth of processing and enhanced memory. *timbre음색48.다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.Whatever you do, please don’t paste a fake smile on your face. Plastic smiles dodamageto your soul. We’ve all known people who’ve worn silly grins while they talked about something sad. This tendency to smile even when you don’t feel like it developed in childhood, when our parents persuaded us into smiling for the camera or for other people even though we didn’t feel like it. Making kids smile when they aren’t up to it sends a message that it’s not OK to beauthentic. Even in front of the camera it’s better to capture genuine irritable faces than false stares. The most fascinating snapshots aretruthful, those that catch people being ____________. Fake people plaster on smiles when they’d rather be crying, or they smile when they’re angry or sad. Slowly theylosetouch with their souls.①real ② complex③pretentious④masked ⑤happy49. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?International maritime codes specify that more maneuverable vessels must keep out of the way of less maneuverable vessels. The captains of more maneuverable vessels, such as power-driven boats, are (A) (responsible/unaccountable) for avoiding less steerable vessels, such as sailing ships, and ships engaged in fishing, and vessels not under command. It is easier for powerboats to avoid hitting sailing ships than vice versa. Aviation codes are based on the same principle. The right of way of the sky ranks craft in order of the ease with which they can be controlled. Airplanes in normal operation, which are the most easily maneuvered aircraft, have the (B) (highest/lowest) priority in right of way. Airplanes refueling other aircraft, which are less easily maneuvered, have a greater right of way than airplanes in normal operation. Balloons, which are (C) (still/no) less maneuverable than airplanes refueling other aircraft, have a higher priority right of way. Finally, aircraft in distress have the highest priority right of way of all, since an aircraft in distress is very difficult or impossible to control.*maritime code해양법**maneuverable조종할 수 있는***in distress조난 사고를 당한(A) (B) (C)① responsible highest still② responsible highest no③ responsible lowest still④ unaccountable lowest still⑤ unaccountable lowest no50. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?We should not forget that the integrated body possesses a wholeness; if you analyze it, it can bereducedto cells and atoms and electrons but the phenomena that these atoms or electrons express themselves cannot simulate (A) (that/what) the integrated body expresses. For instance, it isnonsenseto explain why birds fly and fish swim in terms of cells which cannot fly or swim. In this way we can understand what living things or the life of living things means and that there aredifferencesbetween the two worlds. One is the world of matter or cells which (B) (constitutes/constitute) living things or the life of living things, but they are on a lower level and in a different world from the other world of living things which is anintegrationof them. Physics and chemistry, which deal with matter, developed earlier an (C) (independent/independently) of biology. At present, cellular research is still included in biology, but in the future we may imagine that cytology will develop into adistinctinterdisciplinary field that deals with an area somewhere between living things and matter. *cytology세포학 **interdisciplinary종합 학문적인(A) (B) (C)①what constitutes independent② what constitutes independently③ what constitute independently④ that constitutes independently⑤ that constitute independent51.글의 흐름으로 보아,주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?However, faced with alossof customers, the competition responded by opening on Saturdays as well.In mature markets, breakthroughs that lead to a major change in competitive positions and to the growth of the market arerare.①Because of this, competition becomes a zero sum game in which one organization can only win at the expense of others.②However, where the degree of competition is particularlyintensea zero sum game can quickly become a negative sum game, in that everyone in the market is faced with additional costs.③As an example of this, when one of the major high street banks in Britain tried to gain a competitive advantage by opening on Saturday mornings, itattracteda number of new customers who found the traditional Monday-Friday bank opening hours to be a constraint.④The net effect of this was that, hough customers benefited, the banks lost out as their costsincreasedbut the total number of customers stayed the same.⑤In essence, this proved to be a negative sum game. *high street bank대형 소매 은행.답: 123123123521334123123123

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