마셔봤더니토 [286279] · MS 2009 · 쪽지

2011-05-21 23:49:30
조회수 484

문장 또질문.. ㅜㅜ(3문장)

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0001152801

수특 170쪽

1.~~, advertising themselves as knowledgeable about every type of new manufacturing precess,~~~~

여기서 as knowledgeable가 어떻게 해석되나요??

knowledgeable가 형용사가 as전치사뒤에 오지도못하고.. 해석도이상하고 뭐가 생략된것같은데..

수특 170쪽

2.these expert are still with us, and as a result so does the phrase.

as a result so does the phrase가 어떻게해석되나요??(dose는 잘못된표현이에요..이게 어법문제였는데;;)

3.if you're fluent in french, you have a better chance of getting into a good university in china: that used to not be the case.

that used to not be the case

이부분 어떻게 해석되는건가요??

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