케이♡ [633077] · MS 2015 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2017-01-10 23:09:23
조회수 597

심심해서 만든 영어 빈칸 2

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00010613337

시즌 1 : http://orbi.kr/00010157912


 The a priori nature of mathematics is a complicated, confusing sort of a thing. It’s what makes mathematics so conclusive : Once proved, a theorem is immune from empirical revision. In general, there is a sort of invulnerability that’s conferred on mathematics, because it’s a priori. In the tower of Reine Vernunft, the mathematicians stand supreme on the topmost turret, their methods consisting of thinking alone. Despite their intellectual stature, mathematicians are relatively cost-effective to maintain, requiring only “a few men, a few students, a few rooms, blackboards, chalk, paper, and pencils.” No expensive things are required. Mathematicians carry all that gear in the craniums. Calculated also in Flexner’s practical reasoning was the fact that mathematics is one of the few disciplines                                             . Just as mathematics, alone among the disciplines, is able to establish its conclusions with the uncontradictable finality of deductive reason, so, too, the ranking of its practitioners follows with almost mathematical certitude.

*a priori : 연역적(으로)

**Reine Vernunft : 순수이성

① in which there is almost total unanimity on the identity of the best

② with which practitioners verify whether a verity is really right

③ where incomplete truths are modified to less imperfect ones

④ at which theorems exist as they are with people's apathy

⑤ by which cerebral persons can have a conversation

원문은 Rebecca Goldstein의 Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Gödel (Great Discoveries) 서론입니다.

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