바람드림 [254026] · MS 2008 · 쪽지

2011-03-07 20:40:04
조회수 165

영어 좀 한다는 분 질문 !

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/000944796

their very existence in more than one medium gives them a sort of
independent reality that links them to our own lives; since both share a continuity thay constitute a world constantly experienced as real
It is the materiality and historical context of this need which must be given as much attention as that
eqution of people with things.

사실 문맥을 알아야 해석이 가능할텐데.....ㅠㅠ 좀 그러네요...

아... 책 제목은 광고의 기호학이구요 judith williamson이 쓴거에요.

혹시 부경숙 교수님 수업들어보신 분?? 잘 알텐데..ㅠㅠ

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