돋는인생 [335417] · MS 2010 · 쪽지

2011-02-28 19:03:49
조회수 650

수특 빈칸인데 ;;

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/000919457

How difficult it is to propose something for someone else to judge without affecting his judgement by the way we do it!
If you say: "I think it is excellent,' 'I think it is obscure, or something like that, you either persuaed his imagination to agree with you
or irritate it, in the opposite sense. It is better to say nothing, and then he can judge according to what it really is and according to the way in which
other circumstances over which we have no control have affected the issue. But at least we shall have added nothing, unless our silence also
produce an effect, according to the interpretation he may feel like giving to it, or according to what he may guess from our gestures and expression,or
tone of voice. it is so difficult to (                                         )

1:remove judgement from its natural basis
2:be affected by other's sterotypical views
3:be free from our own judgemental prejudice
4:remain calm and silent to insult targeting us
5:lean on experts' professional opnion

손으로 다 치다보니 오타가 날수도있을지도 죄송 ㅠㅠ
하지만 검사해보니 없는거같네요
푸시고 그냥 생각나신점 있으셔서 남겨주시면 감사해요
전 뭔가 답이 딱 나오지가 않아서 ;;오답지우기로 찍엇는데 겨우맞춤 ;;ㅠㅠ

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