Solve the Quiz by yourself, difficulty is point 2.3
게시글 주소:
The conscious individual settles down to fix the idea that they are obviously animals different from never conscious ones. This conventional custom saved in mind conveys to the wrong but somehow similar concrete idiom, however, that their brain is not that the same but the chemical complex. The one in party that proves what is considered weird is to sustain walking and turning their wheel left or right; human themselves understand they cannot be predicted as a way chosen by their conscious. the desk is invented as a way for human to sit, landing on its land itself. so chemistry emphasizes the partition of whether it can be done or not. Thus, some thinkers optimize a question about not thinking but moving animals should be defined as the same type of us. The answer is not only the talent to consider it but the action has to be both needed, so human consciously chose to walk with them knowing what they are behaving that time. the discovery of its experiment also has another sheet of paper which the prior action should be prepared when they are conflicting each side. Because it is the meaning that lets us know the importance of their walking is less focused than exactly, even transparently, coming the idea from original natural our head that provides us to acknowledge. Thus, non-animal cannot take its taxi or drive for itself.
1) the very feature of creature is to move by themselves.
2) the difference between two parties : whether it is optimized for thinking before to go.
3) human has serious importance as both way to walk and be considerate.
4) the physical freedom lets non-animal to be identity as an animal.
5) walking as the conscious animal helps to choose its direction.
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