게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00070265723
As a general rule, historians find it difficult to isolate events in history and argue their impact upon society, when they are so well woven into the continuous tapestry of life. However, perhaps because of how embedded steam railways are in the development of the modern world, we can say that they changed the world. Our lives right now are a direct result of the innovators, visionaries, designers, workers and daily users that created and advanced the steam railways. Had that development not happened as it did, we would be living in a very different society today. Arguably, many of the problems we face today are an indirect consequence of economic, social and political developments in the nineteenth century, but so too are the solutions. Thanks to the introduction of the railways, we may have lost some sense of British regionality, but we can offset that against a sense of British unity.
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