팜호초 [1325791] · MS 2024 · 쪽지

2024-09-07 22:49:48
조회수 644

니코카도 아보카도의 일침

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00069099310


In a 25-minute video titled '2 Steps Ahead', Nicholas Perry, popularly known as Nikocado Avocado, lashed out at his critics, likening them to "ants" who blindly consume online narratives. He embraced his role as the "villain" in his own story to keep his followers engaged. 

"You will continue to consume these stories about me," he warned, “year after year, for as long as I tell the internet that I am the villain.” 

He further elaborated, “Stories that permeate and linger, and infect the minds of the ants. Influence the ants. Brainwash the ants. You are the ants.”

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