영어 자작 한 문제
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00068664653
Q. 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 선지를 고르시오.
It is undoubtedly true that to give to beggars promotes mendicancy* and causes evil; but if we interpret this to mean that assistance is never to be given to those who solicit it, we fall into the converse fallacy of accident, inferring of all who solicit charity what is only true of those who solicit it as a profession. Similarly it is a very good rule to avoid lawsuits and quarrels, but only as a general rule, since there frequently arise circumstances in which resorting to the law is a plain duty. Almost all the difficulties which we meet in matters of law and moral duty arise from _________________________ what cases a legal or moral rule does or does not extend to; hence the endless differences of opinion, even among the judges of the land.
mendicancy: 구걸
1. utilizing the paradigm of beggars to decide
2. our repeated successful efforts in clarifying
3. those in certain professions enforcing unfairly
4. the impossibility of always determining exactly
5. the utter lack of variance when it comes to
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8월 13일 낮에 보냈는데 확인을 안하시네... 컨텐츠관리자님 뭐라하는게 아니라...
자작한지 꽤 돼서 ,,, 풀어보시고 문제평가도 해주시면 감사하겠습니당ㅍ
천덕밖에 없긴 한데 천덕 드릴게요..!

아무도 안풀어주시나요.. 답만 맞혀도 천덕 드림4번인가요..........

맞아요!!!!앟, 영어 공부 안해야지

~~~ 어휘 정리 ~~~solicit 간청(요청)하다
lawsuit 소송, 고소
quarrel 언쟁(을 벌이다)
