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게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00068625928
다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 설명은?
Culturally speaking, fans borrow from existing arts in any number of ways. The most visible of these practices for readers, in particular, is fan fiction, or stories written by
regular people who have taken inspiration from a text
and created a new narrative using components of that
existing story-world. Ewan Morrison argues that "If one
sees fanfic as 'the work of amateurs retelling existing
stories,' then one would have to conclude that the
number one book in the Middle Ages—the Bible—was a work of fanfic, as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were
non-professionals retelling the same story about Jesus Christ and his disciplines(that is, the Twelve Apostles)." Arguably, the stories told in the Bible had been
transmitted via oral tradition for generations prior, but
audiences were drawn to the tales at a visceral level,
enjoying retelling and embellishments before they were
finally compiled into a written text. And, once the printed word became common and accessible, the possibility
grew exponentially for people to pursue writing
prompted by existing works. This is also true for other
things, like paintings or architecture, that were crafted in response to another item. Fanworks, inspired by the
things in which fans emotionally invest, are nothing new. The struggle is not in the practice itself; rather it is tied
up with a complex relationship between the original
author's text, the potential for the fan-made text to be
confused with the original, and, obviously, the money
that could migrate back and forth between the two.
※ the Twelve Apostles:열두 사도(제자)
※ visceral: 본능적인 감정에 충실한
※ embellishment: 윤색; 글 다듬기
1. 일반적으로 팬이 만든 소설은 기존의 작품으로부터 영감을 받아서 원작에 있던 요소들중 일부를 차용하여 새로운 이야기로 만들어진다.
2. 에완 모리슨은 만약 팬이 만든 소설이 그냥 아마추어들이 기존의 이야기를 반복해서 말한것에 불과하다면 성경도 팬픽이라고 주장했다.
3. 성경은 원래는 구전으로 수세대에 걸쳐 전해졌지만 일부 사람들이 감정적으로 동요되어 성경원작의 이야기를 반복해서 말하고 약간 다듬기도 했다.
4. 성경이 책으로 출간되어 모든 사람들이 읽을 수 있게 되기 전에도 사람들은 그 원작이야기로부터 촉발된 이야기를 써내려갔다.
5. 팬픽은 알고보면 새로운 이야기가 아니며, 팬픽이 원작과 혼동될 수 있는 가능성과 그것 때문에 발생할수 있는 여러 돈문제 때문에 어려움이 발생하기도 한다.
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