극도로약사가되고싶다 [1316615] · MS 2024 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2024-05-28 23:21:46
조회수 1,541

Do you guys really think that sex exists?

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00068211955

Have you ever seen people having sexual intercourse?

Have you ever experienced that?

Probably not, it’s because the sex does not exist in this world.

It’s just a type of delusion and fantasy.

Despite the fact which I mentioned, there still are some people who assure that it exists.

I will make everyone believe at all costs that it has never been in the world.

What you see in pornos is just the things created by an AI.

Please do not get brainwashed by several crazy computers.

Just trust me forever.

오랜만에 학교 수행평가 하는 기분으로 영어작문해봤음 헤헤

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