24 수능 영어 33번 주혜연 선생님 해설 바탕 글로 적은 거
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00065967904
글로된 좋은 해설을 찾을 수 없어서 강의보고 앞으로 여러 과목 공부도 할 겸 그리고 사람들 인강 안 보고도 빨리 해설을 알 수 있도록 해설강의 보고 글로 적을게요 다른 사람들도 이렇게 해주는 사람들이 있으면 좋겠어요 그러면 인강볼 시간을 줄일 수 있으니까요
33. There have been psychological studies in which subjects
were shown photographs of people’s faces and asked to
identify the expression or state of mind evinced. The results
are invariably very ★mixed. In the 17th century the French
painter and theorist Charles Le Brun drew a series of faces
illustrating the various emotions that painters could be called
upon to represent. What is striking about them is that
. What
is missing in all this is any [[setting or context]] to make the
emotion [[determinate]]. We must know who this person is, who
these other people are, what their relationship is, what is at
stake in the scene, and the like. In real life as well as in
painting we do not come across just faces; we encounter
people in particular situations and our understanding of people
cannot somehow be precipitated and held isolated from the
[[social and human circumstances]] in which they, and we, live
and breathe and have our being. [3점]
* evince: (감정 따위를) 분명히 나타내다 ** precipitate: 촉발하다
① all of them could be matched [[consistently]] with their intended emotions. -> mixed 이므로 일관성 있는이 아님
② every one of them was illustrated with photographic [[precision]] -> mixed 이므로 정확함이 아님
③ each of them [[definitively]] displayed its own social narrative -> mixed 이므로 확실하게가 아님
④ most of them would be seen as representing [[unique]] characteristics->determinate하게 하는 게 빠져있다 했으므로, 또 mixed했으므로 unique이 아님
⑤ any number of them could be substituted for one another without loss-> mixed되어 있고 상황과 맥락이 빠져 있으므로 대체되어 손실이 없다 구별을 못하기 때문에
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