duiotrytweinstrich [1205723] · MS 2023 · 쪽지

2023-07-28 21:56:22
조회수 1,172

영어 잘하시는 분들

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00063901107

1. We believe that he is strong. 

->It is believed that he is strong. 

->He is believed to be strong. 

2. We believe him strong. 

->He is believed strong.

3. We believe him to be strong.

4. We believe that he is a student.

->It is believed that he is a student. 

->He is believed to be a student.

5. We believe him a student.

->He is believed a student.

6. We believe him to be a student.

이중에 뭐가 맞고 뭐가 틀린건가요?

그리고 3,6번 관련해서 아는 내용 있으면 알려주세요..

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