(최)상위권을 위한 EBS 인터넷수능2 영어영역 [2강]
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0006232023
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1등급학생들이 대략 10지문중 8개정도 맞추는것 같습니다.
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" 각 지문(문항)별 어법과 어휘가 1개씩 변형되어있습니다. 지문을 제대로 공부했으면, 충분히 접근가능합니다. 어휘는 지문에서 중요도있는 위치의 어휘를 선정하였고, 어법은 골고루 연습되도록 다양한 부분에서 문제화 시켜보았습니다"
1강은 제 게시글을 찾아주시고..
정답은 추후 학생들을 위해 ebs교재참고를 부탁드립니다.
2강 1번
Why do we find it so difficult slow down? We may, in part, be the objectors of a work ethic which encourages us to believe that time must be used ‘productively’ and ‘efficiently.’ We feel we should be getting things done, ticking them off a list. But it could be that many of us are driven by fear.
2강 2번
Cardiologists see with their own eyes and are held in their very hands the diseased body parts that come from eating poorly. Putting aside the CCU interns’ and residents’ youthful sense of invulnerability, a junk-food-eating cardiologist seems like a medical contradiction. Such a person is a living example of the cognitive connect between intention and consumption.
2강 3번
In colonial America, newspapers were a driving force behind anti-British feeling long before the first shots of the War of Independence in 1775. (중략) The press had come a long way from the small, regulating colonial press of the first decades of the century. In mid-century, more and more papers in the American colonies withdraw from protest against British taxes on newspapers, tea, glass, and paper.
2강 4번
The friends we have in our online social networks equal offline connections in some ways: such friendships tend to be cumulative (people tend to add connections online and not cut them), and the nature of the interaction is strongly influencing by the medium (briefer bursts of activity rather than more sustained conversations, for example).
2강 5번
One way to boost one’s status through intelligence-indicating products is to rent the intelligence of others. Typically this has involved hiring craftsmen of very rare, very high intelligence to create custom works of exquisite complexity and novelty. For example, medieval Muslim rulers, priests, and traders competing for status partly by simplifying architecture with very complex abstract ornamentation, especially girih (geometric star-andpolygon) patterns.
2강 6번
Thus, satisfaction differs from an attitude, which is relatively enduring and more dependent on the specific situation. In addition to research shows that feelings tend to have more influence on satisfaction judgments early on, but this influence decreases over time. Conversely, thoughts have more influence on satisfaction judgments as time goes on.
2강 7번
In a performance review, Bauer was told that she needed to be more selfish: she lacked the generous edge that was expected of a consulting partner. She spent too much time developing those around her, and she was so committed to help clients that she bent over backward to meet their requests.
2강 8번
Nevertheless, it has never been observed that any brute beast arrived at such imperfection that it could use true speech, that is, that it was indicated by words or signs something that can be attributed to thought alone, and not to a natural impulse. For speech is the only certain sign of thought concealed in the body, and all men make use of it, but not any brute. Therefore, this can be taken to be the true differentia between man and brutes.
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좋은정보 감사해요.
제작하시는 세모변두 오르비언 독재생들에게 나눠주세요. ^^
도움이 많이 될거같습니다.
네 ~ 잘알겠습니다 ^^
좋은문제 계속 공유해보겠습니다 ~
ㅋㅋ 네 이번엔 정답 안 달게유
ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ