zl존B문학황™ [1037202] · MS 2021 · 쪽지

2022-11-22 01:03:19
조회수 1,543

이 영어지문 원문 출처 아시는분 ㅠㅠ

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00059662396

Get past the 'I wish I hadn't done that!' reaction. If the disappointment you're feeling is linked to an exam you didn't study for it, or a job you didn't get because you said silly things at the interview, or a person you didn't impress because you took entirely the wrong approach, accept that it's happened now. The only value of 'I wish I hadn't done that!' is that you'll know better what to do next time. The learning pay-off is useful and significant. This 'if only I...' agenda is virtual. Once you have worked that out, it's time to translate it from the past tense to the future tense : 'Next time I'm in this situation, I'm going to try to ...

2021년 고1 21번 영어 지문인데 원문이 아무리 찾아봐도 안 나오네요..

혹시 원문 출처 아시는 분 있나요?

rare-오댕이 rare-혹올쮸?

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