빅토리아 시크릿 [1033492] · MS 2021 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2022-11-21 18:35:35
조회수 2,445

[물리] 속이 텅 빈 구 속의 전자 (MIT)

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00059646219

 An electron is confined to the interior of a hollow spherical cavity of radius R with impenetrable walls. Find an expression for the pressure exerted on the walls of the cavity by the electron in its gorund state.


 For the ground state, l = 0, and if we set the radial wave function as R(r) = χ(r)/r, then χ(r) is given by

where μ is the electron rest mass. R(r) is finite at r = 0, so that χ(0).

 The solutions satisfying this conditions are

for which

 The average force F acting radially on the walls by electron is given by

 As the electron is in the ground state, n = 1 and

 The pressure exerted on the wall is

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