빅토리아 시크릿 [1033492] · MS 2021 · 쪽지

2022-10-30 18:44:40
조회수 16,603

[물리] Virial thm. (비리얼 정리)

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00059077447

General statement

T: total kinetic energy of the N particles

F_i: the force on the ith particle, which is located at position r_i

<>: braket represents the time-averaged

Especially for two-particle interaction whose potential is in form of V(r)=arⁿ that is proportional to some power n of the interparticle distance r,

V_TOT represents the total potential energy of the system, i.e., the sum of the potential energy V(r) over all pairs of particles in the system.

Example 1) hooke's law

n=2 (V=(k/2)x²)

You may be familiar with this fact that the average kinetic and potential energies are the same and both equal half of the total energy.

Example 2) Coulomb / Gravitational force

n=-1 (V~1/r)

Very useful tool for calculating the average total energy.

We can use it for Bohr model, planetary solar system, etc.

rare-수정됨 rare-무지개 rare-MATLAB rare-진주환수학연구소 rare-레무링

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