빅토리아 시크릿 [1033492] · MS 2021 · 쪽지

2022-10-27 00:19:41
조회수 10,168

Entropy of Ideal Gas

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00059010148

For one particle's translational motion,

(Multiplicity)Ω1 = # of all accessible microstate = # of cells in region from phase space.

Considering Heisenberg uncertainty principle,

Δx_iΔp_i ~ h (planck's const.), i = x, y, z

 → Volume of cell in phase space = h³

, V_p is the volume in momentum space.

Since U = (px²+py²+pz²)/2m, Vp = shell of radius sqrt(2mU) with thickness δ(sqrt(2mU)) in momentum space.

Let's define ω(U) s.t.

ω(U) = # of microstates with H ≤ U


For N( ~ 10²³) particles,

where U = Σ p²/2m, by using the volume equation of hypersphere in 3N dim with radius sqrt(2mU).


(We can approximate by using the dimension analysis & large number approximation.)

But if we imagine the particles are indistinguishable,

Therefore The Entropy of Ideal Gas with N indistinguishable particles,

Using Stirling's formula

And using 

① & ② are called the "Sackur - Tetrode equation".

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