응애재수아가 [822539] · MS 2018 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2022-03-23 02:49:11
조회수 470

내가볼거) NTU 유학

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00055695749

1. 수능

수능과목 변화 2년차(2022학년도 수능 이후 'New 수능')

- 국어 : 공통(문학 및 독서) 34문항 + 선택(화법과작문 or 언어와매체) 11문항

- 수학 : 공통(수I 및 수II) 22문항 + 선택(확률과통계 or 미적분 or 기하) 8문항

- 영어 : 뜻 다양한 다의단어 중심적으로 문장구조의 작은 변화

- 탐구 : 문이과 통합형 수능으로, 문과과목과 이과과목을 한개씩 골라 시험볼 수 있음

- 제2외국어 : 절대평가 시행

EBS 연계율 대폭 축소 : 직접연계가 아닌 간접연계, 연계비율도 약 50%로 축소

2. NTU 입학 최소조건

With CSAT score / General High School Diploma
Stanine of 2.0 or better in each subject in CSAT or

An overall average score of at least 90% in General High School Diploma or

Score of 'A' or 'Excellent' in majority of the subjects in General High School Diploma

# 내신4.5로는 불가 only CSAT만 바라보고 뛰어야댐

Satisfy one of the following English language requirements:

  • IELTS/IELTS Indicator – an overall score of at least 6.0.
  • TOEFL/TOEFL iBT® Special Home Edition – a score of at least 90 (internet-based) or 600 (paper-based).
  • SAT– An overall score of at least 1900(SAT taken before March 2016) or at least a score of 1250 (Redesigned SAT from March 2016, Essay not required).
  • PTE Academic – a score of at least 55.
  • ACT with Writing - a minimum Composite score of at least 30.
  • C1 Advanced (formerly known as Cambridge English Advanced (CAE))

1. Admission is highly competitive, especially for non-citizens, due to limited places available.  The admission point varies from year to year and between different programmes.  Meeting the minimum requirements to apply does not guarantee admission to any of the programmes in NTU.

(수능목표 영어 1 수학 1 과탐 1 국어 2)

2. The primary factor in admission decision is the high school academic performance.   Decision will be made with actual results only.  No provisional offer will be made with preliminary results.

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