즉석 번역연습 어려버^^;;;
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00055327855
Today came the 1st day for Youth. '청년'which is the Korean word for Youth, literally represents blue age. It also stands for intact purity, Justice, infinite imagination, and challenge. Sometimes, Uncertainty is a privilege for Youth. Though facing difficult situation recently, but for today, the stage is for Youth. May we will and cheer for our youth's dreams and challenge, please. Thank you.
어렵다 어려버!
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blue보다 azure 느낌의 단어가 낫지 않을까 의견을 내봅니다 ㅎㅎ

생각해보니 I feel blue처럼 부정적인 의미로 오역될 가능성도 있겠내요^^; 좋은 의견 감사합니다^^