[영어] 7. 빈칸
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0005108044
Imperatives, or more frequently known as a way of evaluating motivations for action a person has, was defined by Immaneul Kant as any proposition declaring a certain or no action, may that be movement or inaction. But he added that two certain imperatives, Categorical and Hypothetical, in this case the Categorical, is to be discriminated from each other. The Hyopthetical imperative, which ________. For instance, if a student yearns to earn knowledge, he must yearn to learn. In the time of Kant, though, people could not surpass the level of non – utilitarian moral value, which, to Kant, was dissatisfactory. They believed that the deontological, otherwise known as utilitarian or Categorical imperative, served as a mean to reach the level where absolute rule is existent. In other words, ‘hypothetists’ will always only crave for attainment with certain ends.
*deontological: 의무론
.1. disproved Kant’s theory of utilitarian imperative, resulting in the norm of imperative ends.
.2. means there are concrete outcomes to expect on, which was avoided at Kant’s time
.3. includes specific factors of unconditional requirements which was known as ‘the base rule’
.4. was thought as the true way to serve an imperative, which was popular back then
.5. overtook the Categorical imperative, as this was not existant at that time “If he yearns to earn, he must yearn to learn”
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