gal2709 [461626] · MS 2013 · 쪽지

2014-07-10 17:04:39
조회수 643

이정도 영어수준이면 2014 빈칸수준되겟죠?

게시글 주소:

Dustin Tingley, a professor of government at Harvard, argues that “phenomena perennially hard to explain in standard political science become clearer when human interactions are understood in light of natural selection and evolutionary psychology.”

In an email, Steven Pinker, a professor of psychology at Harvard and the author of “The Blank Slate,” makes the case for continued research in the broader field of evolutionary psychology and in the sub-field of politics and heritable temperamental traits.

“To the extent that my political opinions can be predicted by my genome, or by an identical twin separated from me at birth who grew up halfway across the world,” Pinker writes, “I have reason to question whether those opinions are justifiable by reason or evidence rather than a reflection of my temperament.”

작년 수학과학 빈칸이 하버드대 교수 칼럼이었다는게 납득이되네요;;

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