PACS [1083580] · MS 2021 · 쪽지

2022-01-17 01:11:15
조회수 780

영어 공부 해왔다

게시글 주소:

Some distinctions between good and bad are hardwired into our biology. Infants enter the world ready to respond to pain as bad and to sweet (up to a point) as good. In many situations, however, the boundary between good and bad is a reference point that changes over time and depends on the immediate circumstances. Imagine that you are out in the country on a cold night, inadequately dressed for the pouring rain, your clothes soaked. A stinging cold wind completes your misery. As you wander around, you finda large rock that provides some shelter from the fury of the elements. The biologist Michel Cabanac would call the experience of that moment intensely pleasurable because it functions, as pleasure normally does, to indicate the direction of                                              . The pleasant relief will not last very long, of course, and you will soon be shivering behind the rock again, driven by your renewed suffering to seek better shelter. [3점] [16 수능 32]

지문의 주제와 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 한글 주관식으로 맞춰봅시다.

주제 : 좋고 나쁨에 대한 구분은 시간의 흐름에 따라 바뀌고 주변 환경에 의존한다, 즉 상대적이다.

빈칸 앞 : 춥고 비오고 옷 젖은 나쁜 환경에서 바위라는 대피할 곳이 생겼네

빈칸 : 이 상황이 기쁘다고? 상황이 뭔가 좋게 바뀌었다는 내용이 들어오면 되지 않을까?


1) a permanent emotioinal adjustment to circumstantial demands

2) enhancing self-consciousness through physical suffering

3) a biologically significant improvement of circumstances

4) judging desirable and undesirable conditions impartially

5) a mentally pre-determined inclination for emotional stability

이제 답을 골라주시고 오답인 선지는 이유도 생각해봅시다.

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