NORDIC [1045526] · MS 2021 · 쪽지

2021-03-05 14:31:39
조회수 1,525

뻘글) 예전에 과외할 때 만들었던 영어 레벨테스트

게시글 주소:

<레벨테스트는 3가지 영역으로 이루어져 있습니다. 가벼운 마음으로 풀어보세요.>


1.언어지식 이해력

a. 구(phrase)와 절(clause)은 모두 하나 이상의 단어가 모인 언어단위라는 점에서 공통적입니다. 그렇지만 구는 주어와 동사의 서술적 관계가 없고, 절은 있다는 차이가 있습니다. 

그렇다면 다음 중 무엇이 구이고 무엇이 절일까요? .

ㄱ. She starts to eat some food in her bed.

ㄴ. Talking to the kids inside the building.

ㄷ. You should take your medicine!

ㄹ. taken down to the floor.


b. 현재완료(have p.p.)는 과거부터 현재까지 어떤 사건이 지속되는 경우에 사용하고, 과거완료(had p.p.)는 더 앞선 과거부터 특정 과거시점까지 사건의 영향력이 있는 경우에, 과거시제(V-ed)는 사건이 과거에 끝난 경우에, 현재시제는 사건이 현재 일어나고 있거나, 언제나 (혹은 습관적으로)일어나는 경우에 사용합니다. 


그렇다면, 친구에게 ‘열쇠를 잃어버려서 아직 찾지 못했어' 라는 말을 하려면 어떤 선택지가 가장 적절할까요?


ㄱ. I have lost my key!

ㄴ. I’m loosing my key!

ㄷ. I lost my key!


c. 다음 평서문을 모두 의문문으로 바꾸어 보세요.


ㄱ. She runs to the bank.


ㄴ. Jisu does like to work out.


ㄷ. He is your little brother.

2.Written english

a. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바는 무엇인가요?

When I was in high school, we had students who could study in the coffee shop and not get distracted by the noise or everything happening around them. We also had students who could not study if the library was not super quiet. The latter students suffered because even in the library, it was impossible to get the type of complete silence they sought. These students were victims of distractions who found it very difficult to study anywhere except in their private bedrooms. In today’s world, it is impossible to run away from distractions. Distractions are everywhere, but if you want to achieve your goals, you must learn how to tackle distractions. You cannot eliminate distractions, but you can learn to live with them in a way that ensures they do not limit you.




b. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?


The use of renewable sources of energy to produce electricity has increasingly been encouraged as a way to harmonize the need to secure electricity supply with environmental protection objectives. But the use of renewable sources also comes with its own consequences, which require consideration. Renewable sources of energy include a variety of sources such as hydropower and ocean-based technologies. Additionally, solar, wind, geothermal and biomass renewable sources also have their own impact on the environment. Hydropower dams, for example, have an impact on aquatic ecosystems and, more recently, have been identified as significant sources of greenhouse emissions. Wind, solar, and biomass also cause negative environmental impacts, such as visual pollution, intensive land occupation and negative effects on bird populations.

*geothermal:지열의 **biomass:에너지로사용가능한생물체


1 environmental side effects of using renewable energy sources 

2 practical methods to meet increasing demand for electricity 

3 negative impacts of the use of traditional energy sources

4 numerous ways to obtain renewable sources of energy 

5 effective procedures to reduce greenhouse emissions

3.Spoken english

위 ted ed 영상을 ‘한국어 자막 없이’ 보고 물음에 답하세요.



a. How much water do we lose for a day?


b. Which organ is activated first when there’s not enough water?


c. The speaker says the amount of water we need to consume is mainly up to two factors. What are they?

공신력은 개뿔도 없으니 재미로만 봐주세용 ㅎ

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