[MLB] AL과 NL 사이영 후보 6인 하이라이트
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0003194929
AL Cy Young candidate : Verlander
Justin Verlander went 17-8 with a 2.64 ERA, leading the Majors in strikeouts with 239 in 2012

AL Cy Young candidate : Price
David Price won 20 games and led the American League with a 2.56 ERA in 2012

AL Cy Young candidate : Weaver
Jered Weaver had 20 wins to go with a 2.81 ERA in a terrific 2012 season that also included a no-hitter

NL Cy Young candidate : Dickey
R.A. Dickey dazzled opposing batters with his knuckleball, winning 20 games to go with a 2.73 ERA and leading the NL with 230 strikeouts

NL Cy Young candidate : Kershaw
Clayton Kershaw led the Majors with a 2.53 ERA in 2012, winning 14 games and striking out 229

NL Cy Young candidate : Gonzalez
Gio Gonzalez led a solid Nationals pitching staff in 2012, winning an MLB-best 21 games to go with a 2.89 ERA and 207 strikeouts

Justin Verlander went 17-8 with a 2.64 ERA, leading the Majors in strikeouts with 239 in 2012

AL Cy Young candidate : Price
David Price won 20 games and led the American League with a 2.56 ERA in 2012

AL Cy Young candidate : Weaver
Jered Weaver had 20 wins to go with a 2.81 ERA in a terrific 2012 season that also included a no-hitter

NL Cy Young candidate : Dickey
R.A. Dickey dazzled opposing batters with his knuckleball, winning 20 games to go with a 2.73 ERA and leading the NL with 230 strikeouts

NL Cy Young candidate : Kershaw
Clayton Kershaw led the Majors with a 2.53 ERA in 2012, winning 14 games and striking out 229

NL Cy Young candidate : Gonzalez
Gio Gonzalez led a solid Nationals pitching staff in 2012, winning an MLB-best 21 games to go with a 2.89 ERA and 207 strikeouts

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류현진 팀메이트가 될 커쇼가 보이네요
작년에 슬라이더를 결정구로 던지다가 올해는 신인 때 즐겨쓰던 커브로 회귀하였는데 커브 제구가 과거보다 일취월장했습니다
언젠가부터 커브로 스트라이크를 잡는 게 힘들어지자 슬라이더를 주무기로 삼아 작년 내셔널리그의 사이영 위너가 되었는데 이제는 원래 무기인 커브를 슬라이더급 혹은 그 이상으로 연마한.. ㅎㄷㄷ
프라이스의 직구는 정말 매력적이구요..
'97-99마일'의 직구를 제구할 수 있는 '좌완'의 '선발'
내년 채프먼이 선발로 갈텐데 얘는 어떨지..
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커쇼는 올해 정말 아쉽죠 2년연속 ML 전체 방어율 1위 투수인데 올핸 사이영 노릴수도 없으니..제발 류현진은 득점지원 넉넉히 받길
다른건 몰라도 디키가 NL 사이영은 맞지않나요?
올해는 제대로못봤지만 디키 너클볼러라는 특이함이있으므로,,,
NL은디키 AL은벌괴..
킹이 삽만몇번안펐어도 ..ㅠ