World's Best Hospitals 2020 - Top 100 Global - Newsweek
게시글 주소:
뉴스위크 선정 세계 베스트병원입니다. 한국의 자랑 아산병원이 37위에 랭크되어 있습니다. 표 밑에 methodology가 있습니다. Largest를 평가하는 것이 아닙니다.
The table below shows the Global Top 100 Hospitals, #1-50 are ranked based on recommendations, #51-100 are listed alphabetically. If your hospital is listed below, you can find out more about the licensing options visiting the Statista website.
Rank | Hospital | Country | City | Hospital Beds |
1 | USA | Rochester, MN | 1,265 | |
2 | USA | Cleveland, OH | 1,285 | |
3 | USA | Boston, MA | 1,011 | |
4 | Canada | Toronto | 727 | |
5 | Germany | Berlin | 3,011 | |
6 | USA | Baltimore, MD | 1,007 | |
7 | Switzerland | Zurich | 953 | |
8 | Singapore | Singapore | 1,400 | |
9 | Israel | Ramat Gan | 1,990 | |
10 | Sweden | Solna | 1,340 | |
11 | Denmark | Aarhus | 1,150 | |
12 | France | Paris | 1,717 | |
13 | Switzerland | Lausanne | 929 | |
14 | Germany | Heidelberg | 1,988 | |
15 | USA | Ann Arbor, MI | 1,006 | |
16 | Japan | Tokyo | 520 | |
17 | USA | Boston, MA | 804 | |
18 | Japan | Tokyo | 1,217 | |
19 | Denmark | Copenhagen | 1,118 | |
20 | Netherlands | Utrecht | 1,042 | |
21 | Spain | Barcelona | 844 | |
22 | USA | San Francisco, CA | 782 | |
23 | Switzerland | Geneva | 1,054 | |
24 | Canada | Toronto | 526 | |
25 | Finland | Helsinki | 2,546 | |
26 | Norway | Oslo | 1,625 | |
27 | Germany | Hamburg | 1,436 | |
28 | Australia | Melbourne | 571 | |
29 | Canada | Toronto | 308 | |
30 | Germany | Munich | 2,058 | |
31 | Singapore | Singapore | 1,200 | |
32 | France | Bordeaux | 1,472 | |
33 | United Kingdom | London | 920 | |
34 | Israel | Tel Aviv | 1,300 | |
35 | USA | Stanford, CA | 477 | |
36 | Australia | Melbourne | 638 | |
37 | South Korea | Seoul | 2,935 | |
38 | Brazil | Sao Paulo | 663 | |
39 | USA | New York, NY | 2,410 | |
40 | Netherlands | Amsterdam | 1,002 | |
41 | Spain | Madrid | 1,268 | |
42 | South Korea | Seoul | 2,157 | |
43 | Germany | Hanover | 1,520 | |
44 | United Kingdom | London | 720 | |
45 | Japan | Kyoto | 1,121 | |
46 | Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania-Penn Presbyterian | USA | Philadelphia, PA | 780 |
47 | Italy | Milan | 961 | |
48 | Sweden | Uppsala | 943 | |
49 | Spain | Pamplona | 241 | |
50 | USA | Los Angeles, CA | 445 | |
- | United Kingdom | Cambridge | 1,486 | |
- | India | New Delhi | 2,478 | |
- | Italy | Padova | 1,402 | |
- | Thailand | Bangkok | 263 | |
- | USA | Los Angeles, CA | 880 | |
- | France | Pierre Benite | 1,500 | |
- | United Kingdom | London | 430 | |
- | USA | Durham, NC | 972 | |
- | United Kingdom | Newcastle Upon Tyne | 500 | |
- | Norway | Bergen | 939 | |
- | France | Lille | 700 | |
- | France | Paris | 827 | |
- | France | Paris | 669 | |
- | France | Toulouse | 714 | |
- | Spain | Madrid | 1,349 | |
- | Spain | Madrid | 901 | |
- | Brazil | Sao Paulo | 461 | |
- | Spain | Barcelona | 1,315 | |
- | Spain | Madrid | 1,196 | |
- | Italy | Milan | 747 | |
- | Japan | Kamogawa | 917 | |
- | Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München | Germany | Munich | 1,145 |
- | South Korea | Seoul | 1,120 | |
- | Japan | Kurashiki | 1,166 | |
- | Japan | Fukuoka | 1,275 | |
- | USA | Phoenix, AZ | 276 | |
- | Canada | Toronto | 336 | |
- | USA | Chicago, IL | 912 | |
- | USA | New York, NY | 1,127 | |
- | Japan | Osaka | 1,086 | |
- | Italy | Bergamo | 1,024 | |
- | Italy | Milan | 954 | |
- | Italy | Bologna | 1,484 | |
- | Italy | Rome | 1,548 | |
- | Netherlands | Nijmegen | 953 | |
- | Australia | Brisbane | 1,000 | |
- | Australia | Sydney | 911 | |
- | United Kingdom | Salford | 676 | |
- | South Korea | Seongnam | 1,422 | |
- | South Korea | Seoul | 1,868 | |
- | South Korea | Seoul | 2,641 | |
- | Finland | Tampere | 1,142 | |
- | The Catholic University Of Korea - Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital | South Korea | Seoul | 1,453 |
- | USA | New York, NY | 1,161 | |
- | United Kingdom | Newcastle Upon Tyne | 680 | |
- | Germany | Dresden | 1,295 | |
- | Germany | Freiburg | 1,610 | |
- | Germany | Cologne | 1,455 | |
- | Germany | Regensburg | 885 | |
- | USA | Aurora, CO | 646 |
Licensing Information:
If your hospital is listed above, you can find out more about the licensing options visiting the Statista website.
Global Board of Medical Experts:
The global board of medical experts was founded by Statista to support the World's Best Hospital Project. The board is an independent body that is tasked with the continuous development of the quality and scope of the project. Current members of the board of experts are listed here.
The World's Best Hospitals 2020 ranking lists the best hospitals in 20 countries (and one city-state): United States, Canada, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Israel, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, India, Thailand, Australia and Brazil.
The rankings are based on recommendations from medical professionals, results from patient surveys and key medical performance indicators.
Statista, in collaboration with trusted insurance provider GeoBlue, invited tens of thousands of medical professionals in the selected countries to an online survey from September to November 2019. The survey was also promoted on
The number of awards per country varied based on the number of hospitals and data availability. The U.S. had the most hospitals awarded, with 300, and U.S. hospitals are also recognized with a best in state award.
Scores are comparable only between hospitals in the same country. The study includes a Global Top 100 list.
Specialized hospitals, like heart or cancer hospitals, are displayed in a separate list, sorted alphabetically.
Download the full methodology here.
Download the methodology overview here.
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